How To Fix a Bent Garage door?
|The weight of the garage door and its constant use may cause it to bend. A bent garage door ruins the appearance of the garage. So, how to fix a bent garage door?
Don’t worry, it’s easier than you think. You can fix the bent garage door by following our instructions.
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Fixing the Bent Garage Door
There are some easy steps that you can take to fix a garage door. We’re going to mention the steps one by one below. So, let’s dive in!
- The first thing you should do is stop using the garage door until it is repaired. If you continue to use the bent door, you may need to replace it too.
- It is also a good idea to loosen the bolts. Exactly why? If they are too tight, then you won’t be able to replace the door if they hold the track.
- When the door is bent, removing the bolts entirely isn’t a good idea. You would have a hard time putting them back. Loosening the bolts will allow you to reposition them vertically.
- Now, you have to straighten the tracks slowly. A set of pliers can be used for this procedure. But make sure you’re straightening the tracks slowly so that you don’t end up breaking them.
- Once the tracks are straightened, you then put the bolts back in their places.
- Now, it’s time to repair the track. If you’ve followed the steps carefully, then the garage door mechanism should have been fixed. Now, you have to put the door back in place. To get the door back in shape, you can use a claw hammer.
So, that’s how you bend a garage door.
If you want to get your garage door springs repaired, then check out garage door spring repair at Smithfield which is a professional service provider.
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